11.19.2009 Our Projects

Building a Foundation for Family Economic Success

To document the policy successes achieved by its 25 state partners, The Working Poor Families Project (WPFP) retained South by North Strategies, Ltd. to write and design a report documenting accomplishments between 2002 and 2009.

policy_accomp_report_smEntitled Building a Foundation for Family Economic Success, the report found that the WPFP’s state partners have helped generate or preserve over $2.5 billion in state investments in low-income working families. In the process, these organizations have brought the concerns of low-income working families into an array of policy debates.

The WPFP is a national initiative to strengthen state policies and programs influencing the advancement of low-income working families. Specifically, the WPFP  strives to shape state policies related to postsecondary education and training for adults, economic development practices, and work supports and social insurance.

By describing the WPFP’s distinctive process of policy change, the new report shows how the WPFP positions state-based nonprofit organizations to champion investments in working families. Consequently, low-income working families in many states are better able to obtain financial aid, increase their education and skills, access good jobs, and make ends meet.

Click here to view a webcast in which the report’s findings are discussed.

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